Treatments Available

Each treatment session costs £70

Stress and Anxiety

To some degree, feeling anxious and stressed about certain situations is a normal part of life and can even improve our performance. However, for many people, their level of anxiety exceeds what is helpful and they can develop debilitating symptoms and beliefs which can make them feel as though they are losing control.

Anxiety can take the form of a generalised dread of a negative outcome from everyday experiences, it can lead to chronic panic attacks for some people and social anxiety for others, who may feel they need to avoid many situations because of what they imagine will happen if they engage in these situations.  It is clear that these levels of anxiety have a detrimental effect on health and quality of life – not only for the person affected, but also those close to them. The cause of anxiety, stress and panic attacks is a very individual thing and, as such, differs greatly from person to person.

Clinical Hypnotherapy has proved to be a very gentle but effective way of getting to the root cause of anxiety and quickly reducing the effects of it. It helps your unconscious mind to change your perception of a situation that has caused the anxiety, or the feelings and emotions that are attached to that situation.  I use a number of techniques, depending on each person’s needs, working in a holistic and intuitive way to empower my clients.

The number of sessions needed is very personal, but many people find three to five bring about the lasting change they are looking for.


A phobia is a persistent, irrational fear of a situation or something that you know is very unlikely to cause you harm, but that has become embedded in your unconscious mind as a threat - and the effects felt by the body are very real. Some phobias are learned from parents, or other significant people in your life, some originate from childhood experiences which were frightening at the time, looked at with a child’s eyes, and others may result from bad experiences later in life. The actual onset of a phobic reaction is often not known.  Whatever the origin, the unconscious mind then holds the belief that it must protect you from the experience happening again and this leads to avoidance of the object/situation and feelings of anxiety, loss of control and panic.

Using Clinical Hypnotherapy, I can help you to overcome these reactions because hypnosis works by changing your perception of a situation and updating information held by your unconscious mind. I will work with you in a very gentle way, and you will have control of the pace at which we approach the cause of your fear. You will not be forced to do anything you are not comfortable with and we will work towards your personal goals. As part of the treatment, I will teach you some techniques which will help your mind and body to relax, so giving you even more control over situations which once caused you great tension and distress.

The number of sessions planned will be based on your individual needs but, as a guide, two to three most often have the optimum effect.

Addictions and Habits

Admitting to yourself that there is something in your life that you need to do or take so much that it is becoming a problem to you can be very difficult. It may be that you are aware you are eating or drinking an unhealthy amount, that you can’t seem to stop buying certain items or can’t resist placing a bet. Or perhaps you bite your nails or eat far too much chocolate. A habit may have become compulsive and you realise it is now interfering with your normal daily activities.

By realising where you are with it, you have taken the first step towards taking back control and improving your health – physically, mentally and emotionally.

Clinical Hypnotherapy is a gentle but powerful approach to helping you overcome a habit or addiction. Being hypnotised is a lovely experience. In a deeply relaxed state your unconscious mind is helped to get to the root of the cause of the problem and then to accept pre-agreed, positive suggestions which will help you to reach your personal goal. I will guide you through the process in a safe and calm way and I will teach you some techniques so that you are able to relax your mind and body when you need to.

The number of sessions needed varies greatly between clients, depending on what is being worked on.

Confidence and Self-esteem Building

Reduced confidence is a feeling experienced by most people at some point in their lives. For some this may happen only occasionally, such as when giving a presentation or in a social situation where you feel all eyes are on you, yet for others it could originate from a lifetime of feeling less than good enough, perhaps from having been bullied, or from never really being listened to and taken seriously.

To possess self-confidence is to believe in the effectiveness of your own abilities or in the acceptance of yourself by others. When we feel this we can perform better in every aspect of our lives, leading to a sense of achievement and fulfilment, which in turn creates even more confidence.

Clinical Hypnotherapy is a gentle, yet powerful, approach to building more confidence. In a deeply relaxed state your unconscious mind is helped to accept positive, pre agreed, suggestions which will change your perception of certain aspects of your life that may be holding you back or causing distress. It can help you to learn to be more relaxed and to mentally rehearse (whilst hypnotised) a forthcoming situation that requires self-belief. As it is impossible to feel relaxed and anxious at the same time, preparing for a situation in a state of deep, hypnotic relaxation gives you a sense of how a good outcome actually feels and this creates a belief in your unconscious mind that you are able and  that you will perform well.

Hypnotherapy can help with the following:

•          Public speaking

•          Confidence at work

•          Sports performance

•          Dealing with bullying

•          Feeling more at ease in social situations

•          Exam stress

•          Being more assertive

•          Feeling confident with people in authority eg. Managers, doctors, lawyers

•          Facing up to a dominant person in your life

And many more.

The number of sessions required will be assessed individually but, as a guide, two to three are needed for many issues addressed.